Yard Ethic Certification Application

Residential Certification Application
Yard Ethic Residential Certification is available for residential properties within the city limits of Springfield, Missouri.
Is the property located within the city limits of Springfield?
Certification level desired
Silver Certification - complete three (3) of the following items:
Please list your soil’s % organic matter from your nutrient management plan. Describe your plans to maintain or improve the level of organic matter in your soil.
Please list the system capacity in gallons.

Maximum file size: 2MB

Please describe whether you installed a rain garden or bioswale, the approximate size, and the species and quantity of native plants installed. For the size, please provide the approximate square footage and depth.

Do not include invasive plants or trees. You can use the Grow Native plant database to find and select native plants.

Maximum file size: 2MB

Please describe the square footage of native landscaping and the species and quantity of native plants. Indicate which species are beneficial for pollinators.

Do not include invasive plants or trees. You can use the Grow Native plant database to find and select native plants. Fruit/nut trees qualify as well.

Maximum file size: 2MB

In the field above, please provide the total % canopy and list the number and species of existing trees and the number and species of trees planted. Follow the steps below to calculate the total % canopy:
  1. Make a list of existing trees in your yard and use the following steps to determine if you need to plant more trees to achieve 15% canopy coverage. Do not include invasive trees. Plant trees using right tree, right place principles. Use the Grow Native plant database to select native trees to plant. Fruit/nut trees qualify as well.
  2. The canopy of a tree forms a circle. Find the radius of the circle by measuring in feet from the trunk of the tree to the edge of the canopy for existing mature trees (trees that are at least 20 years old) or use the expected mature canopy size for existing or planted trees that are not at maturity. Canopy size is listed as the “spread”. Find the spread of a tree.  Divide the spread by 2 to find the radius.
  3. Calculate the area of the canopy in square feet by entering the radius in feet into the following formula. Area = 3.14 x radius x radius. Repeat this step for each tree.
  4. Calculate the total canopy of all trees by adding the canopy of each tree from Step 3.
  5. Calculate the % canopy coverage of your lot by taking the total area of canopy from Step 4 and dividing by the area of your lot in square feet (1 acre = 43,560 square feet).

Maximum file size: 2MB

Please briefly describe your composting system, what you compost (must compost food waste) and how you use the compost.

Maximum file size: 2MB

Gold Certification - complete five (5) of the following items, including Lawn Steward:
Please list your soil’s % organic matter from your nutrient management plan. Describe your plans to maintain or improve the level of organic matter in your soil.
Please list the system capacity in gallons.

Maximum file size: 2MB

Please describe whether you installed a rain garden or bioswale, the approximate size, and the species and quantity of native plants installed. For the size, please provide the approximate square footage and depth.

Do not include invasive plants or trees. You can use the Grow Native plant database to find and select native plants.

Maximum file size: 2MB

Please describe the square footage of native landscaping and the species and quantity of native plants. Indicate which species are beneficial for pollinators.

Do not include invasive plants or trees. You can use the Grow Native plant database to find and select native plants. Fruit/nut trees qualify as well.

Maximum file size: 2MB

In the field above, please provide the total % canopy and list the number and species of existing trees and the number and species of trees planted. Follow the steps below to calculate the total % canopy:
  1. Make a list of existing trees in your yard and use the following steps to determine if you need to plant more trees to achieve 25% canopy coverage. Do not include invasive trees. Plant trees using right tree, right place principles. Use the Grow Native plant database to select native trees to plant. Fruit/nut trees qualify as well.
  2. The canopy of a tree forms a circle. Find the radius of the circle by measuring in feet from the trunk of the tree to the edge of the canopy for existing mature trees (trees that are at least 20 years old) or use the expected mature canopy size for existing or planted trees that are not at maturity. Canopy size is listed as the “spread”. Find the spread of a tree.  Divide the spread by 2 to find the radius.
  3. Calculate the area of the canopy in square feet by entering the radius in feet into the following formula. Area = 3.14 x radius x radius. Repeat this step for each tree.
  4. Calculate the total canopy of all trees by adding the canopy of each tree from Step 3.
  5. Calculate the % canopy coverage of your lot by taking the total area of canopy from Step 4 and dividing by the area of your lot in square feet (1 acre = 43,560 square feet).

Maximum file size: 2MB

Please briefly describe your composting system, what you compost (must compost food waste) and how you use the compost.

Maximum file size: 2MB

Please share what Yard Ethic means to you and how your Yard Ethic practices have impacted your daily life in 150-200 words, and submit your two favorite photos of your Yard Ethic practices. Provide the name and address of your neighbor referral. Once your neighbor submits their application, your gold certification will be awarded.

Maximum file size: 2MB